Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Mouse is not a Moose

One of the only complaints I have with vegan foods is when they call things cheese, its well, not. As an omni, I am intimately acquainted with the “real” flavors of cheese, pepperoni, and cake. I am delighted by the textures, flavors, and consistencies of non-vegan foods. But I am equally delighted by new recipes, inviting me to experience a new part of my culinary world – so long as you don’t call a mouse a moose.

Take for instance vegan macaroni and cheese: really? Vegan? When you hand me a plate of your animal free epicurean experiments and call it cheese, I will eat it and hate it. If however the word cheese has been exiled and it is called something non-dairy soundingish, I will eat it and give it a fair shake. Why? Because I will not be expecting the rich, creamy, slightly sharp taste of cheddar that won’t be there.

So Vegans, know when I try your mac & “cheese” recipes, I will re dub them yellow pasta, or baked pasta, or Reginald, anything else really. Boring and lame, but there is a much better chance at success, and if it fails, it will not be because of unrealized expectations due to a misnomer.


  1. Uh oh! You'd better not call it Reginald; that's my penguin's name, and he rather objects to being eaten!

  2. I promise! I wouldn't want to upset Reginald, nor any other penguin, they are such wonderful creatures. :)
